You can’t put a price tag on the benefit one receives through Coaching

“You can’t put a price tag on the benefit one receives through Coaching. Working with you as my Coach helped me believe that I can lead at the top of an organization and to trust myself and my leadership skills more.

You created a sense of trust that I don’t have with most people so that I was able to talk about things openly. This allowed me to work on how I interact with people who are a challenge for me to interact with and find new, more successful ways to work with them. And helped me realize that not everyone is going to understand where I’m coming from, and that’s ok. You were a partner to help me see things differently in my work and in my personal life.

You also helped me negotiate the terms of my new job and successfully navigate the transition from one company to another. I found working with you as my Coach to be extremely helpful.”

About Donna Schilder, Master Certified Coach

Donna Schilder is a Leadership Coach, Career Coach, & Business Coach who provides a place for her clients to stand back, assess situations, reconnect to their goals, and choose the best approach to achieve business and personal success.